Mar 2, 2023 10:17:43 AM

Trust as a Currency

In the age of data breaches and privacy concerns, owning and controlling our data is a top priority for businesses and individuals alike. 

At MyPass, we recognise that trust in itself is a form of currency. In response, we have created a user-owned data model that puts privacy at the forefront. Through our digital Skills Passport, workers have greater control over their Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and are empowered to own, maintain, and share their data. 

Unlike traditional compliance management systems that rely on a top-down approach, MyPass gives workers visibility and control over their PII. 

Data breaches are on the rise

Bad actors are targeting private companies, health insurance agencies and government bodies and we now know that millions of people have been affected by data breaches worldwide, including several high-profile cases in Australia in recent years.

These incidents serve as a reminder that cyber attacks and third-party interference are increasingly prevalent. Data security and the need for individuals and organisations to take steps to protect personal information is critical.

MyPass keeps data more secure than traditional systems 

Traditional workforce compliance management typically involves sharing PI and PII via email. Generally, this information is then stored in unsecure locations like shared drives, spreadsheets and in data silos. This approach puts organisations at risk of serious privacy and data breaches, not to mention the administrative effort involved in maintaining worker records.

In contrast, MyPass’s user-owned data model is ‘privacy by design.’ Individuals own and manage their personal data in their digital Skills Passport. They can then share access to their profile with employers and RTO’s via a permission structure, giving them heightened visibility and control.

MyPass is proud to be ISO27001 certified

As a business, MyPass is committed to data privacy. We’ve been ISO27001 certified since 2019 - the highest level of information security accreditation available globally. Our robust Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) are designed to keep personal data safe and secure. 

Achieving this milestone was a significant step toward our vision of becoming the system of choice in our industry.

“Without trust, your company or business loses all worth to potential clients. We want MyPass to be a key trusted player so that our clients including large multinational corporations have no hesitations about working with us. This is why going through the strenuous audit process to achieve this certification was well worth the time and effort for us.” -

— Matt Smith, CEO of MyPass

With GDPR legislation reinforcing the expectation of individually owned and controlled data, the burden of regular re-permissions and manual updates falls on those maintaining personal data. 


MyPass leads the way in safeguarding the privacy of personal information. Our ISMS is our "licence to operate," not just a box-ticking exercise. We are passionate about building our reputation around the way we do business and our responsibility towards Information Security.


Privacy by design with MyPass Global


Without trust, businesses fall short in the eyes of customers. We're committed to maintaining a high standard of information security so that our customers can trust that their PII is safe. 

To find out more about how MyPass safeguards data security, please get in touch.

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